
Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Weight Loss Story

I have been re-reading a lot of my old blog entries and I realized it has been a long time since I really wrote about my story.  In fact I don’t think I have really written specifically about my weight loss story since I first started this blog and that was a long time ago.  I have talked about things I have learned along the way, things I have accomplished but not a lot about the journey as a bigger picture.  This seems to be coming up a lot lately and I have also been thinking a lot about it probably because I have been sharing it so much.  Every time I share even part of my story it has such a positive effect on me.  It reminds me of where I am, where I came from and where I’m going.  It seems like a pretty important thing to write about so here it is.

I have been heavy all my life.  I don’t remember anything different and throughout the years I have gone through periods of wanting to lose weight, periods of not caring and even some where I was actually able to lose weight.  The current arc that I am on of this journey to lose weight actually started forever ago in March 2009.  It’s hard to believe it was that long ago but I still remember the day when I rejoined Weight Watchers like it was yesterday.  It was a hard day for me because when I got on the scale I was at the highest weight I had ever been.  I had gained all the weight I had previously lost a few years before and then some.  I was embarrassed and ashamed.  I was mad at myself and devastated that I had undone all that I had done previously.  It was not my best day.

After that weigh-in I made two vows to myself.  The first was that I would never be that heavy again.  I was wrong on this one.  I was not able to keep this vow but I’ll write more on that in a few.  The second vow is the more important because I have kept true to it since.  I vowed that no matter what, I would not quit or stop going to Weight Watchers and six years later I still have broken this vow.  That is why I consider my journey, this version of it, truly starting in 2009.  It is true when I made that vow that I had planned to reach my goal weight much quicker but I don’t consider the time wasted by any means.  A lot of people have questioned my stubbornness with staying at Weight Watchers when it wasn’t working but what I tell people is that I know it works and I know it will work, I Just need time to make it work for me.  In the end I actually hope that all I have learned in the last six years will help other people move through their own journeys much faster.  I do know that trying to change your whole life, your beliefs, habits and knowledge takes time.

Anyway from 2009 through to 2011 I was making very slow progress.  I lost just over 30 pounds and made huge changes in my lifestyle especially around my habits.  In this time period I learned that for me this was going to be a slow process.  I don’t make changes quickly but when I do make them I make them permanent.  I did my research and slowly started to work through the process of changing my life.  Change is not the easiest thing for me to accept and I knew that the only way I could make things really work for me was to take the smallest of baby steps.  I knew that if I just kept moving in the right direction that the weight would come off. 

In this time I mostly focused on my food.  I worked to change the things I was eating.  I started to try and cook more and eat out less.  I started to read everything I could on food and quickly learned everyone has an opinion and often the opinions are opposite.  This is when I decided that whatever I was going to do for weight loss that it was going to have to make common sense.  I have never been one to jump on any fad diets but I knew that just because I wanted to lose weight didn’t mean that I should start now.  The choices I began to make had to make sense to me.  I still apply this logic (faulty as it may be) to my journey even now.  This is also why it takes me a while to work through things and make changes. 

I was on the right path but then the unthinkable happened.  In August 2011 my world was shaken to the very core when I lost my best friend to a heart attack.  I had lost people in my life before (grandparents, uncles and a cousin) but this was the first time I lost someone that I was extremely close too.  Will was 25 years older than me so logic said that at some point I would lose him but there is no preparing for the shock.  Will’s death set me on a destructive path that I didn’t even fully see until after.  For the next year I did everything I could to avoid dealing with my emotions.  Thankfully I am not typically an emotional eater otherwise things could have been much worse; instead I started to keep myself very busy.  I took very little time for anything that was for me.  I stopped caring about a lot of things for that year.  At the time though I convinced myself I was fine and dealing with it. 

The clue that I wasn’t dealing well with everything should have been the scale.  Each week I went and weighed in and my weight would go up one week and down the next and was bouncing all over the place.  The problem was that it was trending very slowly up.  I managed to gain the 30 pounds I had originally lost and then another 20.  The other problem with such a slow climb is that it is easy to overlook or excuse.  I am great at ignoring things sometimes and it was easier to ignore the fact my weight was coming back and that I was missing my best friend than it was to deal with it.

In May 2012 I drove down for a memorial to Will in Des Moines.  This was the start of me coming out of the funk I had been in.  It was also the start of me realizing that I was in a funk. I had a lot of time to think on that trip (5000km in a little car by yourself will do that) and I knew I had to change things.  When I got back from the trip I made the decision to once again start working towards losing weight and becoming healthier.  I still had a lot more to deal with though and for the next year I struggled with my weight bouncing up and down.  My weight change in the next year was minor, only maybe the final 5 pounds I gained by the time I hit my highest weight in September 2013.

By the time I hit my highest weight I was starting to experience something I had never really had to deal with.  I was starting to find that my weight was getting in the way of things.  I found that I was getting tired super easy.  I had no energy to do anything.  I even had to skip test driving a brand of car I had thought about because it was not built for me.  Although I had always been heavy I can honestly say that I had never felt like it was getting in the way until that year.  It was frustrating and I knew that I had to make a change.  I knew that to keep going this way was not a way of life.  It was certainly not the life anyone (my family, Will, other friends) had pictured for me and certainly not the life that I wanted for myself either.  I knew it was time to kick my weight loss into high gear. 

I knew that the key to that was going to be moving since I was already doing well with my food.  So I went out and bought my Fitbit.  If I wanted to move more I had to have a way to be able to track that I was doing it.  I started walking, first just on commercial breaks but soon that expanded to getting up and moving more at work.  I even started walking on some of my lunch breaks.  With the help of another friend I started to see the potential for me to do more.  I started to think about trying to run.  The last year has been me working towards that goal.  Since then I have done two official race 5Ks and a whole bunch more Sunday morning runs.  I have been learning strength training.  I have also met a whole new world of people who are willing to cheer me on and support me.  I can honestly say that I am the most active I have ever been.

While this arc started in 2009 the most significant changes have happened in the last year.  I still have a very long way to go but I am putting all the pieces together.  I am getting the tools I need and starting to wrap my head around all that I need to do.  I’m starting to make serious progress that has me down almost 50 pounds (47 to be exact).  I see my future more clearly than I have ever seen it before.  The future I see is one in which I am healthy and active.  One in which I will be able to help people find the best out of their lives.  I am happier than I have been in a very long time.  My confidence is growing as is my belief that I can do this.  My weight loss story will continue until I get to a healthy weight but even after that it won’t be done.  Weight will always be a struggle but with all that I have learned and all the support I have found I know that it is a journey I am happy to be on for now and forever.

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