
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bon Jovi Kicked Butt Tonight

I went to the Bon Jovi concert tonight and I just had to share how amazing it was. I have seen a lot of concerts in my time and he is by far one of my very favourite performers. This was the third time I was seeing him in concert and each time has been amazing. I was a little worried tonight's wouldn't be as good as the last time when i saw him in Frankfurt Germany because that was an amazing concert and it had the added advantage that I was all excited to be in Europe :-) But I think this concert blew that one out of the water. The audience was excited and in to it (Stampede concerts are always amazing for that part) and it had the atmosphere of a great big party. It's crazy to see that many people screaming and singing. It must be such a thrill to have full audiences not only screaming for you but being able to sing your songs without any help. I think the thing I love the most about his concerts though is not only how much fun the audience always has but the fact that Bon Jovi seems to have so much fun. Oh the life of a rock would certainly be an ego boost. LOL

Anyway enough babbling. If you haven't gone to the grounds yet I totally recommend the deep fried snickers bar...totally bad for you but oh so yummy. Here's hoping today doesn't effect my weigh in too badly on Saturday :-)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What a Week

So as if my brain wasn't spinning enough last week, I had yet another thing to add to the mess. While at the dentist getting my root canal finished off, he broke the drill bit in the tooth. I know have a new piece of metal in one of the canals in the tooth sealed in by the filling. I spent the better part of the week stressing over what I should do because there is nothing they can really do about the file. Well ultimately I could go for surgery and have them remove it from the bottom but then I would also lose a good chunk of the root so not really worth it unless things go wrong. I could also have the tooth pulled but not much point in that if I can avoid it as well. All that said it wasn't so much the fact that I now have metal in my mouth because I don't think it should cause a problem, where my brain has been spinning is if I should still crown the stupid tooth. It's a lot of money to put into a tooth that may reject the file and abscess again. (I'm also not really happy about thinking that my tooth may abscess again because that was the worst weekend of my life when it went last time). Anyway after talking to everyone I have come to the decision that since my crown isn't scheduled until September there is no sense in worrying until then. I'm hoping that if things are going to go wrong they will go wrong in the next two months so that I can fix it before spending a small fortune on my tooth. However if nothing happens in the next two months I'm going to bet on the odds that everything should be ok for years to come. LOL. Oh how I love dentists and dentistry...can you tell.

Aside from teeth drama, last week was a great week. I got my summer pass for roller skating, so went a few times. I got some more falls out of the way, but learned that I can at least get myself up without help now. I getting stronger and faster, now it is time to work on my stamina and balance. I also completed another 5k on my treadmill and 1 min faster than last time :-) The best part is that all the hard work (well if you can call skating hard work) showed on the scale when I weighed in on Saturday which will help me try to repeat the process again this week. I'm determined to break my not losing weight in the summer curse. I know I can do it and I will do it, one lap around the roller rink at a time. hehehe

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Spinning Mind

Ever have one of those weeks where you brain won't stop spinning? A week where the thoughts just race around and around your mind not really getting anywhere but not leaving you alone either. This week has been like that for me. Normally I can deal with spinning thoughts by writing them out in my pen and paper journal, however this week even that hasn't seemed to help. I think the problem is that the three major things I'm working on changing are all the causes of the spinning thoughts. (For those of you who don't know, the three major things that I'm trying to change are my weight, my debt and my career) If it was just one issue at a time it would be way easier to sort out and deal with, especially since my three areas all end up overlapping the other.

I have come to a stand still with my weight loss. I'm bouncing all around 30 pounds down but can't seem to hit 35. I have blamed it on the summer blahs but I know that I can get through it I just have to get my head screwed on right. I am setting some plans in motion that should hopefully get me back on track. I think the biggest thing is deciding to get a pass for the summer for roller skating. I know it seems silly but it is so much fun and it is a great way to get some exercise in. I'm glad to have found something that is so much fun. I want to be down 50 pounds by the end of August and I think that roller skating may just help me get there. I also think the fact that I can officially do 5kms on my treadmill will also help. Doing 5k this week was probably the highlight of my week. It took me 1 hour and 10mins to do but I know that next time i can do it faster. I'll tell you it did feel amazing to go downstairs and hop on my treadmill thinking I will do 5k and actually do it. I have been saying for awhile that I was going to do 5k and have always given up on pushing for it. There is nothing quite as great feeling as achieving something you set your mind to. Now I just have to focus on that and stop the thought that I can't lose weight in the summer from spinning around.

When it comes to my debt I just feel like I'm going no where. This of course is not actually the case because my debt is going down but it is taking longer than I want it to. I have been thinking about all the different options I have to be able to fix it sooner. The easiest would be to get a part time job, but the problem with that is that I lose out on some of the time I need for being able to work out, not to mention the last time I was working two jobs I got super cranky and gained a bunch of weight. Another option is to keep going at the rate I'm going and just take longer to get out of debt. This is likely what I will have to do but it sucks. I want to get rid of my stupid interest payments...I'm tired of paying extra money for the stupid stuff I spent my money while I was at school and Wal-Mart. My last option that i have been thinking about is the hardest one for me, but the one that might be the most logical solution and that's talking to Dad. Dad keeps offering to help me on little things like my tooth bill or going back to school, so maybe he would be open to lending me some money so I can get rid of the interest and just pay him back. Of course the problem with this solution is that I have to tell dad that I haven't always been so good with my money. Money is such a big deal to my dad and has always been a source of most of our fights that this is not an easy thing to do. Ultimately today I think that I came to a decision though, I think I will keep on with my plan until the fall or Christmas and then depending on how things look maybe create a plan that I can show dad. I know that the sooner I get out of debt the better off I will be.

The last of my spinning thoughts in the Work has been on my brain a lot this week. Although it was a short week at work with Thursday off for Canada Day it was a very long week. It looks like a new position may be opening up and people keep asking me if I'm going to apply for it. There would be good and bad about changing jobs but I'm not so sure it is worth my time moving from one admin job to another. The possibility has got me thinking though. I am trying to figure out how I need to move forward to be able to do what I want, not to mention to be able to find something that will make me happy. I'm so used to thinking like a writer, with a beginning, middle and end in mind, that not knowing the steps is a bit of challenge for me. My brain just keeps going over all the options and all the possible outcomes from each option. I don't normally let myself play what ifs because they are a waste of time but for whatever reason I'm stuck in a big giant 'what if' loop.

Oh well I have lots more thinking to do. I think the time is coming to turn off my brain and start acting though. Decision are needing to be made and it's time I get to it.