
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chicks Flicks...a love hate relationship

This blog entry was first going to be on my summer blahs...but I'll save that for another day. I just finished watching the movie "Remember Me" and I loved it. As with most of the movies that get put into my favourites list it's a love story with a tragic ending. And like the majority of my favourites it made me cry. I'm willing to bet that the next time I watch it I will also cry again.

I'm sure some of you probably think I'm crazy (ok most of you probably do...heck I even do most days) but I love a movie that will make me cry. The harder I cry the more I like the movie. I curse them at the same time though because it never fails that these movies make me feel and think things that I don't normally allow myself to think and feel. The thing I like most about these movies though is that they do make me cry. It is an incredible release, I would even put it on the same level for me as an intense work out. I guess as I have gotten older I have learned to control my emotions more and I have stop letting myself cry. There was a time when I would cry over just about everything. It was a time when I didn't think anything was ever going to change. There are times where I still feel this but instead of just letting it out in a good cry I have to find a movie to make me cry, because I have trained myself not to let go. So as much as I hate the fact I cry in almost every movie, I am very glad that movies can make me feel so strongly. As a wannabe writer, it also make me want to be able to write something that is as moving and powerful.

This week has been a struggle for me, which is why I was happy to see Remember Me come out on dvd. I knew that it would be a good choice to help me let go of this past week. Nothing really bad happened or anything but I just found myself struggling. I lost all motivation for everything. It was a week where I realized how many obstacles are in my way of getting the things I want and a week where I didn't feel like I was going to be able to beat those obstacles. I know that my goals are all lofty goals and they will take time to achieve but at the same time, sometimes this is a curse. It is hard to stay focused on the here and now on the little accomplishments when you also know your other goals are so far away. I know that there is a path that will get me from point a to point b but I'll be damned if I can figure out where that path starts. I just try to remember that patience is a virtue and that anything worth having is worth fighting for and I keep hoping that it will be enough. And until I figure it all out I guess I'll just have to keep hoping good chick flicks keep coming to help keep me from getting too stressed out :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Over Due Update

Well I must apologize that so many weeks have passed since I last wrote. The stars just were not lining up to let me get on here and post. The last few weeks have tested my drive and determination to keep going. I have been worn out and tired. I have experience a lot of ups and a few downs all squished into the few weeks. I survived though and am feeling better for it.

The first major challenge was an abscessed tooth. I have never felt anything as painful in my life. It interfered with my sleep, distracted me from really enjoying myself my last day of visiting my Lethbridge friends and meant that I had to deal with my fear of dentists. The good news is I'm on the way to being completely repaired and I think I found a dentist that seems ok, definitely better than my last dentist anyway. The only benefit to an abscessed tooth is I wasn't able to eat so I managed to drop just over 4 pounds last week. Of course the downside is that being able to eat this week meant that I did gain a pound of the four back but I can deal with that.

A few of the good things was a trip to Lethbridge which always means I come home relaxed and more centered. One of the great things about visiting is getting to visit with my adopted niece. At almost two years old she is growing, learning and changing at a crazy rate so it is a lot of fun to visit and see what new things she is doing. I will tell you this if you ever want to just enjoy life just follow in a kids footsteps for the day. Getting to play and laugh and chase Artemis around leaves me feeling lighter and happier. It's a great reminder to me to keep having fun and not to get too serious. The more fun you have the better everything looks and the better you will feel.

Today I also got some positive motivation on all the hard work I have been doing to get healthier. A group of us went rollerskating again. I had a blast and was able to do way better this time. My legs are definitely stronger and I could go further and with less shaking legs. I was very happy and I'm looking forward to going again. I love how it feels when I do something and it is easier. It reminds me that I am actually making progress. It is a great boost to my drive. It makes me want to keep pushing and keep moving forward. Even though I've only lost just over 30 pounds I can't imagine going back to the way I was a year ago. I have way more energy and stamina now. I feel better, happier and more centered. I feel like everything is falling into place. It's exciting.

Anyway I know this was sort of a weird entry but I wanted to catch you all up. I'll try to come up with something better for next week ;-) Also stay tuned thinking about adding a recipe box for new recipes each week, so if anyone has any you want to share let me know :-)