
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chicks Flicks...a love hate relationship

This blog entry was first going to be on my summer blahs...but I'll save that for another day. I just finished watching the movie "Remember Me" and I loved it. As with most of the movies that get put into my favourites list it's a love story with a tragic ending. And like the majority of my favourites it made me cry. I'm willing to bet that the next time I watch it I will also cry again.

I'm sure some of you probably think I'm crazy (ok most of you probably do...heck I even do most days) but I love a movie that will make me cry. The harder I cry the more I like the movie. I curse them at the same time though because it never fails that these movies make me feel and think things that I don't normally allow myself to think and feel. The thing I like most about these movies though is that they do make me cry. It is an incredible release, I would even put it on the same level for me as an intense work out. I guess as I have gotten older I have learned to control my emotions more and I have stop letting myself cry. There was a time when I would cry over just about everything. It was a time when I didn't think anything was ever going to change. There are times where I still feel this but instead of just letting it out in a good cry I have to find a movie to make me cry, because I have trained myself not to let go. So as much as I hate the fact I cry in almost every movie, I am very glad that movies can make me feel so strongly. As a wannabe writer, it also make me want to be able to write something that is as moving and powerful.

This week has been a struggle for me, which is why I was happy to see Remember Me come out on dvd. I knew that it would be a good choice to help me let go of this past week. Nothing really bad happened or anything but I just found myself struggling. I lost all motivation for everything. It was a week where I realized how many obstacles are in my way of getting the things I want and a week where I didn't feel like I was going to be able to beat those obstacles. I know that my goals are all lofty goals and they will take time to achieve but at the same time, sometimes this is a curse. It is hard to stay focused on the here and now on the little accomplishments when you also know your other goals are so far away. I know that there is a path that will get me from point a to point b but I'll be damned if I can figure out where that path starts. I just try to remember that patience is a virtue and that anything worth having is worth fighting for and I keep hoping that it will be enough. And until I figure it all out I guess I'll just have to keep hoping good chick flicks keep coming to help keep me from getting too stressed out :-)

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