
Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Great Week and Weekend

I'm currently in a great mood. I went to bingo today with my sister and for the first time in my life I actually won something. I got to yell bingo and I won $70. I know it's not a tonne of money but it was so much fun and so worth it. I realized I was only 1 number away and showed my sis, then she saw the number come up and pointed it out to me because she is always just ahead of me when it comes to the numbers. I started shaking and had to wait for them to call the number so I could say bingo. Of course you are supposed to hold your card up in the air but do you think my fingers would work to pick it up. LOL. It is amazing how quickly you brain shuts off and adrenaline kicks in.

Anyway enough of that. This week was a good week. I worked out every day except Thursday. I even managed to get in two work outs almost every day. It felt really good although Friday my abs were sore but I figure that is because I didn't work out on Thursday. The work outs didn't show up on the scale this week but I know that I felt great so I can wait to see the results. I am feeling more powerful and lighter. It is getting easier to move my body and to do some of the exercises on my dvds. It is easy to keep pushing when I focus on the small things like my energy being up or being able to jump for some of the exercises. I think that has been the biggest boost this time around, it's the fact that rather than fixating on a number I'm focusing on the little things I accomplish. The reality is that in the end it is all the little things that matter because every big thing is made up of many little things. When people ask me for advice about staying motivated this is what I have started to tell them. It's good to have a big goal in mind but the little goals are what are going to get you there. Also getting to cross off lots of little goals is a total boost to your self esteem. It really does help prove to yourself that you can accomplish things. :-)


  1. I love reading these posts! I feel for/with you on the ones that are more serious or sad, but these are my favourite! That's awesome that you can do two work-outs a day! So happy for your win in Bingo too :)

  2. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BINGO!! Too bad they don't hand out turkeys when you win :(
