
Monday, April 1, 2013

The More You Know

Even though I have yet to master the art of regular blogging I have always tried to blog the major changes in my world, those events and decisions that most strongly impact my life and so I feel obligated to record my latest decision. I will admit that I’m a little nervous at how people will react to it because it seems to be a topic that gets people talking. I have made the decision to work towards becoming a vegetarian, well actually a part time vegetarian at least for now. I actually heard a term while watching something that totally made sense, a weekday vegetarian and so that is what I’m going to work towards.

I have always believed that knowledge is power and I have been trying to increase my knowledge of all things food related to help me along my weight loss journey. I have been reading and watching as much as I can on various topics and the more I do the more interested I get. Food, food science, farming and even just cooking it are amazing and interesting topics to me. I do take everything I hear and read with a grain of salt and try to keep a skeptical mind about the information being presented. I know everyone has a bias and a point to prove which of course slants things. All that being said the more I learn about where my meat comes from the harder it is for me to stomach which is why I have decided to start to make some changes.

The ideas of vegetarianism or even veganism are not new to me. I have friends that practice both and I have learned a lot in trying to cook for them when I have people over to the house or when I have been privileged enough to eat at theirs. I started to realize that there are a lot of great foods and flavours out there that I would never have considered…in fact I actually prefer my vegan chili to my meat chili. Shocking I know. I’m lucky enough they are also pretty patient with my random questions so it has allowed me to be curious.

Over the last year maybe a little bit more I have considered the idea of turning into a vegetarian on several different occasions but never felt I could commit to it. The perfectionist in me kept saying if you can’t do it all the way then why do it at all. I know that I love my dairy and my steak (and really my meat in general) and giving it up just didn’t seem like it was possible. Again though the more I learned the more I realized that my thinking was a little foolish. As I learned about the impact eating meat has on the environment and heard lots of people say that even small changes make a difference I realized that I could do some small changes and cut meat out of my diet on a few days. I began to really accept that I can give myself permission to make the changes and yet still hold on to some of what I love and don’t think that I’m ready to give up yet. Then I heard the term weekday vegetarian and was sold. It is someone that doesn’t eat anything with a face during the week but on the weekend if you choose to you can. It made sense to me.

So now with this new concept in my head I have set the goal to be vegetarian Monday to Friday and am beginning to work towards that goal. Since I don’t have a lot of vegetarian or vegan recipes handy I have decided for the month of April to start with at least one day a week. This will help me build my recipe repertoire and ease me into a new way of eating and thinking about food. Then starting on May 6 (yes my birthday) I will begin to do it 5 days a week. I’m really excited about this change and I know everyone will ask so here are a few of the reasons why I have made this decision.

1. Health benefits. I have been trying for years to get more vegetables into my daily food choices for all the benefits that come with that. I know that in adding more vegetables into my life it will also help with my overall weight loss goals which will have a direct impact on my overall health.

2. The animal lover in me feels horrible about the way our meat is treated before it comes to our table. I have images in my head that I can’t ignore now that I have seen them and it really has made meat lose some of its appeal.

3. Getting to be creative with food again. I love cooking and I love the fun of trying to create new foods and learn new recipes to love. Of course if nothing else this will give me more things that I can cook for my friends so I don’t always feel like I’m making the same things all the time.

4. A new challenge. I love the idea of finding a new way to challenge myself and my beliefs. I have always thought of myself as a meat and potato kind of girl but maybe it is time for that to change.

5. Lower my carbon foot print. Ok so I have often joked that I have to be extra good at home to care for the environment because of the amount of paper we go through at my job. When I started to realize how much energy goes in to creating a pound of meat I was blown away. Do I think that by me changing my diet that the world will change? No of course not but I do think that if I can do my part it helps keep my own imprint on this earth a little less.

So there you have it. Whatever it will bring my way the decision has been made. I’m not sure if it will be forever but I am willing to commit to it for now. Who knows maybe it is the step in I need to go completely vegetarian which is a possibility even if I don’t think it is totally doable yet.


  1. Congratulations!

    Feel free to come by with an random questions. :)

    1. Thanks Cate. I will probably have tonnes of questions and will probably also be stealing cookbooks ;-)

  2. I love this idea!!! Please keep us updated. :)

    1. I love it too. I will of course keep you posted Bessie :-) It will be an adventure in new tastes at the very least.

  3. Woot! Congrats! I think you'll just love it!

    When I lived on my own, I did my own version of the "weekday" thing, not so regulated-- I'd eat meat once in a while, when I craved it or was having dinner at someone's house, which was more like once or twice a month. Usually felt sickly after, though. I did still eat some dairy, but I found more and more amazing replacements for it that are now my first choice. It's been harder in my current living situation, although I still manage four or five days a week. When I get back to living alone, I'll go right back to it. I felt amazing. Thinking of trying dairy-free this time, but I need to find something as nice to my tummy as yohgurt.

    Adding to your points, dude, it's cheaper! And there are so many amazing flavours out there, and you get to learn even more about food than you did before! (And I liked to think I knew a lot.) And there's always more to learn!!!

    1. I'm really excited about the change and am blown away by the support I'm getting from everyone. I'm open to see where this journey takes me.
