
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Most Powerful Weapon/Muscle....Your Mind!

Last night as I was trying to fall asleep I let my mind wander and it went to trying to figure out what I should write in my blog today. I realized that there was one topic that was on my mind most of the week and it seemed rather fitting, the power of my mind. I know it seems cliche and new agey but I'm starting to realize that all those times I heard it being said or had it told to me that they may have been right.

Now those of you who know me, know that I don't believe in much but when I do it is because of careful thought and reason behind it. So where, you might be asking, is my latest revelation coming from? Well that is simple, work. As much as I may complain about my job, and as much as I may dread going, I will admit it has taught me a lot about myself. This week while listening to everyone go on about their colds and various other ailments I realized that anyone that was a hypochondriac would end up sick just from working there and listening to it all. Then low and behold I started to feel run down and like I was catching something. I don't get sick, this is what I have always claimed and I believe it (it's hard not to when the last time you even had a cold was Jan '09...and for those smart asses reading this I don't count food poisoning...LOL). The run down feeling lasted until last night (Friday). When I got home, I got on my treadmill as I always do and felt wonderful. I no longer felt like I was catching the cold that is going around. Coincidence...maybe, but I think it's the power of my mind. Away from all the symptoms of everyone else I had nothing else influencing my mind and could believe in my own thoughts no matter how twisted or crazy they may be. Once again I believed that I do not get sick and therefore felt better.

So what does all this have to do with my weight loss journey, well that's simple. In order to get to my goal I have to believe in it. Last time I tried to lose weight I kept saying that I believed I could, but never actually believed it. I thought that it would only be a matter of time before I would gain it back. This time around I believe with all my heart and soul that I am meant to lose my weight and meant to reach this goal. I believe to my very core that it is no longer impossible. While I'm working out I picture myself hitting goals. I physically see myself getting my 5 pound stickers from Weight Watchers or climbing up more mountains. I can see myself skinny. It is so vivid it is like it is actually happening which pushes me on further. This belief also carries me through the not so good days, because even if I'm having a bad day I still believe that I'm meant to do this in spite of any bad days that may get in the way.

Our minds are truly powerful. If you get up in the morning and say it's going to be a bad day it will be, but if you get up and say that it will be great and put a smile on your face it will be. It may not be the solution to all of our problems but I have been converted to thinking that my mind effects every part of what I'm doing. If I get up thinking I don't want to work out or that I'm too tired to work out when I start it's hard and it does not feel as good. If I get up and think that I'm excited to work out and ready to go than I am able to push myself further and I fly through my work outs. It doesn't make everything easier physically because it's the same workout whether you want to do it or not but it does mean I'm not caring the burden of negativity. Negativity weighs you down while positivity pulls you up.

So my thought for the week is for those of you who are struggling, just keep telling yourself you can make it. Tell yourself over and over so many times that it sinks into your mind, your heart and your soul. Once it twists itself into your being it will give you the drive to keep pushing forward. It may not be the whole solution but if it makes it a little bit easier, maybe it is worth a shot. The stronger you believe in something that more real it is and the harder it is for anyone else to convince you of something else.

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