
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Introduction to My Reality

For the last little while I have been thinking about starting up a blog again. I wanted to find a way to easily share my success and struggles when it comes to my weight loss as well as anything else that comes up while blogging. As an aspiring writer I would love for the world to read my words but for my blog I have much more down to earth hopes. So many of my friends have been keeping tabs on my weight loss journey to this point and have been full of questions and support, so I thought in starting a blog it would be a great way to keep everyone up to date.

The selfish part of me however, also likes the idea of having a spot to bare my soul and to babble away about whatever pops into my brain. I have spent years being shy (yes shy even though most people who know me will argue this point) and quiet about all the things that go on in my brain. I think it is time for me to share and the easiest way for me to do that is and has always been through the written word. So for those of you who are patient enough to read my ramblings thank you in advance.

My goal with this blog is to be as honest as possible, which is not always an easy task, especially when dealing with things like my weight. I hope that it will not only keep me on track and working on my own goal of losing weight, but maybe it can help keep my many friends who are also working on their own journeys, weight loss or otherwise, motivated. In the end though even if no one reads this little blog it is a way for me to express myself, practice my writing and maybe even learn a little more about myself.

So with out further ado welcome to my twisted as it may turn out to be.

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