I have also stopped saying that I will wait to date until I'm done losing weight. I have started looking online again to see if i can find someone to share my journey with. I don't know if anything will come of it but I suppose I can't expect prince charming to just walk up to my front door. The reality that I came to is that the guy that I'm going to end up falling for is going to be someone that will love me as much now as he will when I'm smaller. It may take a while to find that person but at least now I'm being open to searching.
Along with my new desire to start dating again I have also gained a new wardrobe. It started when I needed a dress for a wedding. I realized that I loved wearing it and decided I wanted more, so I have just bought 6 more dresses tonight and I can't wait to wear each of them. My inner girl is finally breaking through and I feel great about it. There is no reason for me to hide behind t-shirts and pants.
I'm just in a really good mood today and I couldn't help but share it. I hope this post finds you all well and I promise not to wait another 3 months to post again. (I do think it is high time to get disciplined again and start doing it once a week ;-) Oh and here is a pic of me all dressed up.
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