Hello all. The last month has been a wee bit crazy. I took a vacation to Vegas, celebrated a birthday and gained a roommate. Each thing added its own challenges and sadly they did play a negative role on my weight loss. In the last month I have managed to put on just under 6 pounds. This is frustrating of course but I accept that it is my fault and that I could have done things differently and still managed to maintain my weight or even lost some. Like most things in life that we do everything is an opportunity to learn and grow and I although the outcome of the last month was not a success I have learned from the past and am getting closer to success. I looked back to two years ago when I went to Vegas for my birthday. Like this year I was also doing weight watchers the difference is last time I gained twice as much weight. I came back have put on 12 pounds in about a 3 week period. So the way I look at it is I am learning. I was more careful and tried to stay active even if my food choices were not always the best. It was easier to be more conscious of what I was eating and making better choices. The way I figure it next year I should have even less problems doing the right things and with a little hard work will achieve the success I want ;-)
But that isn't really what I want to write about today. I think the thing that is most on my mind right now is dealing with having a roommate again. I have lived on my own for about 6 years, renting my parents house so they do not have to sell it yet, but as of the beginning of this month my brother got a job that moved him back to Calgary which has meant he has moved back into the house. There are certain advantages to this, the biggest of course meaning that I now pay half the rent that I was, which means I can put more money on to my debt and into my savings. The challenges however are mounting. It is hard to completely change your routines when someone else comes in and has his own routines. We are trying to balance out work out time, cooking time, and tv time to name a few things. I'm not used to sharing or even having to think twice about what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. Rather than letting this getting me down I'm trying to look at it positively. I mean now I know that if I want to use my treadmill I had better do it right when I get home so that I'm not getting in my brother's way of wanting to use it. This has meant that I don't procrastinate on it and I have been getting it done. I mean we all know that once you sit down in front of the tv in the evening, especially after a long day of work, it can be hard to get back up to work out. This is only one example of trying to take the positive side of things but I am working really hard to make the best out of the situation.
I guess I tell this because it reaffirms what I have always believed about change. It happens and we know it happens. The world isn't perfect and just when we think that things are the way we want them something else will change. Where I think we struggle with this is the fact that we just keep wanting it to be back the way it was, but we know this won't happen. So what I have done is made a conscious choice to accept the changes and deal with them as best as I can. I wake up in the morning and tell myself that yes it sucks sometimes that I have to do things differently than I want but it should not stop me from doing those same things. I won't let my situation changing shake me from the goals I'm working so hard towards. All change can be positive if you are willing to look for the good side to it but it does take work and it is not always easy. I just keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time.
Anyway enough of that. The other thing I wanted to say in my blog is that I'm going to be starting a new blog, along with this one. Tentatively I'm hoping to start it up in the beginning of June but I have to work out a few kinks including a name for it. It is going to be a recipe based blog. I'm going to try new recipes every week and not only post stories and pictures of the food but I will also post the recipes and the Weight Watchers point value for the food/meals. I'm really looking forward to this. It is a good opportunity to try new foods and to share recipes, not to mention practice more with my camera.
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