I have to say that 2017 was a pretty interesting year. It was a year that was full of a lot of good
but still mixed with some hard lessons.
I feel like it was a year of rebuilding, relearning and rediscovering myself. I think though it also set a really good
foundation for 2018, which I think will be my best year yet. It will at the very least be one of my most
ambitious years.
Last year I created a list of 17 goals to complete in 2017. If you want to see the original list you can
look here. It was an ambitious list much like my new 2018
one is but sadly I wasn’t able to accomplish as much of it as I would like. Rather than talking about all of the goals I
figured I would just share a few from the list that stand out for me, both good
and bad though are as follows:
1. Meet my great nephew – Mathew was born happy and healthy on Feb 8th. It has been amazing to watch him grow the
last 11 months as well as to see my youngest niece learn and grow as a
mother. He is an adorable, happy little
baby and a great addition to our family.
2. Do a 10k Run – I really wanted to be able to say I completed this
goal however it was not meant to be. It
ended up being one of my biggest disappointments to date in my life. You can read about my attempt here but long story short the weather was too warm and the start time too late so I
didn’t think I could safely complete the race and ended up quitting. The disappointment has helped to motivate me
though so I expect when I repeat the race this year the outcome will be
3 and 4. Read 52 books and try 52 new recipes – I gave these a valiant
effort. I got more than half way through
the recipes but then stopped counting.
For books I managed to read 40 of them.
I got a little bogged down when I decided to tackle Stephen King’s
Aside from my list of goals, 2017 proved to be a tricky year for me
emotionally in a lot of ways. The start
of the year was still fairly overshadowed as I was still trying to process and
work my way through the grief of losing Nan in 2016. Of course there was the
disappointment of the 10k race but this was also followed by an amazing road
trip to Banff and Jasper with some girlfriends.
As summer faded to fall I enjoyed more joy as I headed on another cruise
to Alaska with my Mom. As fall became
winter the mood shifted once again as I had to face some hard truths about my
own lifestyle and my health while also being reminded that my parents may not
be as young as I like to think of them.
All in all it was quite an up and down sort of year but I really do feel
that it has let me grow more and surprisingly find a greater acceptance of who
I am and what I want out of life.
I’m incredibly grateful for all the things that 2017 taught me but I’m
also ready to say goodbye to it so I can really test myself and see what I’m
capable of in 2018. So as ambitious as
last year’s goals were, this year I have picked even more things to focus on. I might regret it but I have set 21 goals for
myself this year. The difference this
year over last year though is that I actually have timelines and plans for each
goal. I have built them into my everyday
life so that when I get to the end of the year hopefully I will see a lot more
completed goals. Here are this year’s
lofty goals.
1. As much as possible say yes to all invites that come my way. (2017 I was feeling quite disconnected from
friends and family and this year I want to change that.)
2. Send something (card, letter, postcard etc) to someone each week in
the mail. (I want to spread a little
positivity and random fun.)
3. Do my Miracle Morning routine daily.
(This comes from the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod which I totally
recommend reading.)
4. Read 6 ‘self-help’ style books.
(I want to work hard at improving myself this year.)
5. Run and complete my 10K come back race. (Yep I’m heading back to the Calgary
Scotiabank Marathon to try again, hopefully with much better results.)
6. Lose 100 pounds. (This in
itself is a lofty goal and it has been a long time since I set a weight related
goal but I’m ready to really push myself.)
7. Pay off my Visa completely.
(It is super close and it all helps me get a little closer to being able
to buy the home that I want.)
8. Review/create a new budget to
make sure it still matches my needs and then review it weekly to ensure I
continue to stay on track. (I have been
working very hard at this goal since last year and it will continue to be a
priority as I work towards owning my first home.)
9. Spend time each month practicing & working on my
photography. (I really enjoy this and
feel like it needs to be something that is a major part of my life so I might
as well get good at it.)
10. Spend time each week working on my novel. (I haven’t spent as much time as I would like
really working on my stories or my creative writing and that needs to change.)
11. Write a blog entry each week.
(I suspect this will actually be a challenging one for me but I have
faith that with a little effort I can get it done.)
12. Clean, organize and pack up the house. (This was on last year’s list and although it
has been started I’m not anywhere near where I want to be so this year once
again I’m going to keep working on it.)
13. Create a weekly cleaning schedule and follow it. (This goes with 12 because the only way I can
find time to do extra organizing is if I have all the other stuff done first.)
14. Finish all my half-finished scrapbooks. (I think I have 4 books that are in progress
and I want them to go away so that I can really work at catching up so that I’m
able to work at scrapbooking current photos.)
15. Read 52 books (includes the 6 self-help). (I’m determined that this will happen one of
these years so it might as well be this year…hehehe.)
16. Get out once a week around people to do something I enjoy. (This goes with my plan I have come up with
to stop worrying about find a boyfriend and just enjoying life and embrace any
connections that happen to come my way.)
17. Volunteer. (This was on the 2017
list and I even had the chance to do it through work but sadly I ended up with
a nasty cold and so I had to miss out when my team went but this year I will
make it happen.)
18. Put aside $20/paycheck to use for some extra donations at
Christmas. (I’m not sure if I’ll adopt a
second family or do some shoeboxes but I know that I want to give back more.)
19. Practice daily
gratitude. (I have been keeping a
gratitude jar for 3 years now so I’m not about to break that routine this
20. Practice daily
meditation/silence. (This is part of the
miracle morning routine but also something I’m very much enjoying. I want to ensure that I continue with it so
it gets its own spot on the list.)
21. Find and make 52 new recipes.
(Yep I brought this one back again because I was having so much fun with
it last year so I figured I might as well try it again.)
So there you have it. I’m really
going to be pushing myself this year but I’m also incredibly excited about
it. I look forward to getting to the end
of 2018 and being able to look back and have a list of accomplishments to
share. I also look forward to reaching
the end of the year even more confident in who I am and what I’m meant to do in
this world.
It may be a week and a bit late but I do want to wish you all a very
happy new year. May you find much
success, love and happiness in the upcoming year! Much love and gratitude to all!
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