I’m living in a world that scares me.
I’m living in a world that I don’t understand. I’m living in a world that leaves me hurting.
I have always felt like I should be making a difference in the world. I want to leave it a better place when I go. Over the years I have had many ideas of how I
can do this and have tried my best to at least make my little part of our world
better. I tried to live a good, honest life.
I have tried to help any around me that I can and yet more and more it
doesn’t feel like it is enough. I feel
like no matter how far I reach, how much I give or how much positivity I try to
bring it won’t be enough.
I don’t know if it is just that I have gotten older and more aware but
it seems like things are just spiraling out of hand. The hatred that exists in our world seems to
be growing. I don’t understand it. I don’t get how people can look at a person
and decide they aren’t worthy based on their sex, religion, race; why can’t
they look at those people and see their hearts, their souls and all the ways that
they are the same as one another.
My heart is breaking for our world right now. I don’t have the answers or even know what I
will do to try and combat this but I do know there has to be something. We need to find a way to realize we are all
human and are all connected to each other.
You don’t have to love or even like everyone but we need to find a way to
look past our differences and find a way to show each other respect. We need to find a way to bond us together
instead of continuing to drive us apart.
We need to teach empathy and compassion.
We need to remind people that the things they say do matter. We do not live in isolation and the things we
do or don’t do touch so many more people than we can ever know.
I get that I am probably quite naive in the way I look at things and
that I probably should be better informed about a lot more things but I do know
I’m tired of seeing our world hurting each other. There has to be a way to keep the world from
repeating the same bad mistakes that have happened in our past.
I find myself thinking about a line from the movie Newsies. “Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice
that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it’s silenced.” We can’t let our voices be silenced. We need to stand for what matters. I need to stand for what matters.
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