
Friday, August 23, 2013

Ready for a Slower Pace

The only way I know how to describe this summer is strange.  It has been hectic and crazy and now as we enter the last week before September (where did summer go anyway?)  I am finally getting a chance to slow down.  Sure it took running away to Rosebud but even after only a few hours here I already feel my mind slowing and my body relaxing.  I see yoga poses and long walks in my future J

As I was driving out I realized the best way to describe how I had been feeling is the way you do after a really crazy day.  The type of day where it is go go go until you finally get to lay down in your bed at the end of the night.  You don’t realize how crazy the day has been until exhausted you sink into your pillow and mattress.  The past two months have been go go go for me and I’m hoping that this week at Rosebud will be like laying down for the night.  (Go figure that I would think of sleeping when I get to Rosebud when one of my favourite things at the B&B is the beds…hehehe)  I am already anticipating that feeling of everything melting away.

Things in my real world have been pretty crazy since Calgary flooded.  My office is still displaced from our building and it looks like we will be until at least December.  My Nan ended up in the hospital which probably isn’t that shocking when you consider she is 94 but the fact that I have never in my life really known her to be sick at all was scary.  She is back at home now and doing better though so that’s good.  She is probably the subject of a blog entry I should write one day all on her own.  Added to that is some uncertainty that came with the end of Creative Memories (and soon the start of a new company).  Of course there has also been a lot of great things like my BC vacation and Mondays off which gave me time to do some fun things with friends.  The one thing all of it has in common is that it has kept me very busy and kept my mind spinning, leaving little time to work on writing or anything really creative.

It is funny to me how quickly we can move at times dealing with situations and not realizing the toll it is taking on us or the changes it is creating.  I realized the minute I sat down after unpacking and settling into my room how the last few months have changed me.  As I sat there with a whole week of nothing stretching in front of me I felt like I should be doing something.  That is when it clicked that no I have nothing to do but slow down and relax.  Yes I brought my novel with me and I plan on writing it and yes I have some digital scrapbook stuff to finish up but for the first time in a long time I realized that it was okay for me to just sit down and stare out the window and let the world spin on by.

There are a lot of things I love about Rosebud but as I looked out the window what made me feel amazing is that there were no cars, no road noise (just some crickets) and no one needing my attention.  It is the perfect place for me to get away to because it is so close to home and yet it feels like it is another world.  I can connect to my life if I want or I can ignore it and get lost in a good book or with a pen in my hand.  I’m so ready for this recharge.  I look forward to the inspiration that will come with it.

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