I have never bought a diet book in my life. I do not generally tend to put a lot of credit into them but I was curious when I saw Bob Harper from Biggest Loser had put out a new book. I will admit some of the curiosity came from the fact I think he is very good looking but more came when I flipped through the book in Chapters because it looked logical and simple so I decided to order it. It arrived at the beginning of the week and I read it over the last two days.
It was a quick read but full of a lot of great information. It is laid out logically and has good arguments for each rule. I don’t necessarily like the idea of slashing my daily calorie count as much but the nice thing with Bob’s rules is that they will mesh well with Weight Watchers. I was drawn towards this book for the same reasons I was drawn towards Weight Watchers and that is because it makes sense and is logical. I don’t put any stock in all the fads that are out there but with both of these it’s real food.
I think though that in spite of the book being about the rules I’m most excited by the recipe section of the book. I have been getting very bored with my food and have been feeling very lazy when it comes to wanting to cook. This is something I experience most summers but at least for right now I’m actually feeling excited to cook. There are some really great sounding recipes and if I can eat good food and it helps to move me along my weight loss path all the better. I have even already made my grocery list and am very much looking forward to going and shopping for all the yummy food. It is nice to be excited about working on losing weight. It has been awhile since I felt this way.
I have also made the decision I am going to start to try more new foods again. The shocker to anyone that knows me is the first thing on my hit list to start eating is fish. Anyone who has asked me out to sushi or offered me shrimp has probably been told the same story. When I eat fish I feel like it is still swimming in my stomach. I know that it is all in my head and that I just need to get over that. So my goal this summer is to start eating and hopefully enjoying fish. It is hard not to want to put it into my diet when I read all the good things about fish and since I don’t have an allergy to it there is no reason not to include it in my diet. I’m going to start with one fish meal every week (totally should be doable) and by the end of summer my goal is to be eating one dinner with fish and one lunch. It’s not a tonne but considering I “hate” fish it may be a rather daunting goal.
I’m also going to be exploring more Vegan recipes. I am planning to have one day a week where I don’t eat any animal or animal products. This is a rule from the book but also something that I’m looking forward to. I have a friend who is a vegan and so I have to keep finding new recipes to make when we have dinner parties and what not. So far I have loved everything she has made for us or that I have made for her. It forces me to think outside the box and to try things I might not normally try. I like the idea of challenge myself to a day without animal each week. I think it will force me to get a little more variety in my food choices.
Anyway for those of you for looking for a few ideas or some guidance to get you started I can say that it looks like Bob Harper is not only sexy as hell but actually has some good points. hehehe I can’t say yet if it will give you results and even a month from now I can’t say it will give you results because I won’t be following it as he has written it but the rules make sense even if I’m not totally sold on completely following his plan the way he has it laid out. I’ll keep you posted though.
And for anyone out there reading this please please remember to think about what you are doing. There is no point in jumping on every band wagon. Weight loss is not an easy path or choice but really if it was easy it wouldn’t mean as much when we succeed with it. In a world of quick and easy somethings are really worth stopping to take your time with making sure it’s done right. Don’t check your brain at the door. Common sense will guide you if you let it.
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