Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I just got back from spending the weekend down in Lethbridge and on the drive back I decided a good topic for this week’s blog was what I’m thankful for. I think we all tend to forget the things that matter the most and get hung up on the things we wish we had or that we think we are missing. I found that even this weekend when we are expected to think the things we are thankful for I was spending way too much time thinking about the things I wish I had so this is my correction to this and a reminder to myself of all the things that really matter in my life. Take a few minutes and take stock of the things that matter most in your life, everything else will seem a whole lot less important.
I’m thankful for
• My family – in spite of all the trouble we have getting along I really do have a great family
• My Nan – yes she is part of my family but at 91 she earns a special spot on the list
• My friends – although I don’t have a huge group of friends anymore I’m very grateful that I do have a handful of really great friends. (I’m especially grateful that they all put up with me sometimes disappearing on them once and a while)
• My kitties – I love them to pieces. The house would be pretty quiet and lonely without them.
• My job – even though it is not my dream job and half the time I would rather be anywhere else but there I am very glad to have a job
Those are the big things but I’m also thankful for my many little things like the fact my debt is going down, that I am slowly mastering the whole weight loss thing, that i’m not scared to try new things...even if it takes me a while to do it, my health and the fact that I rarely get sick, my plans for the future (even if they may not happen exactly the way I hope), the ability to keep falling for guys even though I keep swearing I won’t do it again – even if it rarely works out...LOL. I’m thankful for my ability to be empathetic and the fact that I still cry in all the sappy movies.
In the end I am thankful for everything that has been granted to me in this life. I will try hard to remember that although I don’t always get everything I hope and pray for, I have gotten everything that I need. Life is good.
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