
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Ranting Brought on by Earth Hour Blackout

I'm sitting at my table writing this out by candle light. I know it's silly but it is my way to respect our earth. One wonders if it really makes a difference to turn out our lights for an hour but at least in my head it shows that I care, even if it doesn't do much. The funny thing is that even if I was doing it for the earth I also found it to be very therapeutic. There is something about sitting in the dark with no background noise and just letting your thoughts run.

I think that we should all make time to be alone with our thoughts. Our world races by so fast that we hardly have time to notice. Being a history major I tend to look to the past with a strange respect that probably paints it with rose coloured glasses, but I do think there are aspects from the past that we could use now a days. I have often said I was born in the wrong era. But as I learn more about myself this thought is changing. What I really want is to bring some of the old traditions and values back not to move back to another era.

If I could bring anything to our present day from the past, in terms of values, it would be the sense of time. More specifically time for the individual and the family. I think the world would benefit by slowing things down and focusing on taking time for the things that really matter. If we took time to cook together, eat together, and just be together I personally think we would have fewer lost people. I know for me personally that the lost disconnected feelings have led to a lot of over eating to try and compensate. This is also seen when just watching people. Everyone seems to be searching for something and trying to connect, leading them to do silly things some of the time.

I know the idea of being connected sounds a bit strange coming from me, the queen of being independent and on my own, but I think that having some sort of family closeness and connections, as well as a sense of community would help the world immensely. We would probably have fewer issues and problems in a lot of different areas. It would make the world a better place.

Wow, ok off my soapbox. Totally random rant, but what can I say sometimes my brain just goes blah and spews words and thoughts. I do want to share some good news with you though. In spite of not being able to get all my work outs in and a chocolate fountain at work, I was still able to lose 2.6 pounds this week. This means I am on track for hitting 50 pounds for my birthday. Yah.

Anyway with that I leave you. Find some time to listen to yourself think. Silence although scary can be very worth it. Maybe your brain is ready to spew as well.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to have an understanding of the past. One of my best insight from being a Roman history buff (including looking for a campaign in Roman alternate-history role-playing game "Fulminata") is the sense of accomplishment, not simply in one's own lifetime, but for one's family over the generations. The idea that each generation builds something to pass on to the next generation to lift them up is a powerful meme, often overlooked in this present-focussed society.
    What is "Fulminata"? For the lighter side of that question, websearch for "House of Paulus."
    I wish you well.
