
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Time – Non-Renewable Resource

It happens every so often that I will read a book that will stick with me in some way.  Usually it is a fiction book that is particularly well written but sometimes non-fiction sneaks on to the list of books that have changed me.  This list is filled with book that change the way I look at things or think about things.  They are books that force me to question myself in some way or another.  The most recent book to make this list is “What the Most Successful People do Before Breakfast” by Laura Vanderkam.

I was given this book for Christmas from my Dad.  I know it is totally not your typical Christmas gift and Dad even felt the need to justify giving it to me by saying ‘I know you already do a lot of this but I thought it was a great read’. Well Dad you were right.  It is a great read and although I do some of the things she suggests already, I still gained a lot more out of this book.  This book in fact made me take a look at how I currently live my life.  It made me question a lot of my assumption on living a fulfilling life and the time it takes to do it.

Essentially the book, which actually has three short guides to time management, boils down to we only have 168 hours in a week and we only have a finite number of hours in our lives.  Laura Vanderkam offers a lot of ideas and suggestion on the best way to structure our days to ensure that we can get the most of what we want in life in those given hours.  If you are struggling to figure out how to be able to not only do the things you need to do but also the things you want, I totally suggest giving the book a read.  This entry is not meant to be a book review though, what I really want to talk about is the changes it has helped me to make.

The first thing I did when I finished reading this book was to sit down and make a list of the things that I really want to be doing with my days but feel like I don’t have enough time for.  It will be no surprise that the list included more reading, writing, scrapbooking, working out, cooking and spending time with friends.  These are things that I love to do but often find I don’t have time to do them.  These are things that leave me feeling happy and complete.  They are things that I want to make sure I always have time for because they are what bring me joy but that I had been struggling to make time for.

The second thing I did was to commit to tracking my time for a week.  I tried to track everything in 15min intervals as Laura suggested in her book.  There were sometimes I had to fake it because I forgot or wasn’t sure on the timing but I got it done.  I tracked 168 hours of my life.  It was eye opening.  I always knew I had a tendency to waste time doing things like playing games on my phone or mindlessly watching tv but it was crazy to see just how much time I was using on that.  One of the most interesting things to me on my tracking was the amount of tv I watch that I didn’t even particular like.  We all have shows we love but how often do we watch other things just because the tv is on.  I was blown away by how much of the time that is the case for me.  It was easy to see that although I think I don’t have time for the things I love that I certainly have opportunities to find more time to give to them.

The third thing I did was to create my own list of dreams.  She suggests that everyone should sit down and come up with a list of 100 goals you want.  She said to include personal goals, travel goals, professional goals, ect.  This was harder than it seems.  The first maybe 30 were really easy but it got harder and harder.  Mine started off with a list of places I want to travel and novels that I want to finish writing but by the end of the 100 it included a lot more smaller goals like hiking Mt Prevost to see the war memorial or reading Moby Dick again.  What I found most interesting about this list though was that it really brought into focus the things that I really want to be doing.  It really helped to cement the things that I want to do in my life both big and small.

With those three things done I set out to create a new schedule for myself for my non work hours.  I set aside time in my schedule to do all the things I wanted to do as well as things that I needed to do.  I knew when I was going to be doing everything from dishes to meal planning to going to the gym.  It was a work of art in time management as far as I’m concerned.  Hehehe!  I was excited to try it out.  I got to do exactly 4 days of it before the request came at work for someone to change to the later shift to help out with phone coverage.  Since no one else volunteered I offered to change my schedule from an early start back to a later start.  I had done the later shift before but had switched to the early shift to avoid some of the traffic.  Switching back to the later shift meant I had to go back to the drawing board on my new schedule.

Now you would think that shifting things would be easy.  I had my hours figured out with the early work shift and it seemed to flow perfectly so it should be easy to transition to a schedule where I start an hour and a half later but just moving everything later.  That was so not the case.  I was surprised at just how wrong that thinking turned out to be.  It is truly amazing how if you change one thing how it completely forces your hand to change everything.  It took a little figuring and a week of trying out a few things to see if things like an early morning session at the gym would work out (pun not intended but hehehe).  I had to get creative with my time and things couldn’t always be scheduled when I would want them but I made sure that I still got everything in.  I once again got to feel excited that I had a plan.

With everything figured out I knew I had just one more task to do.  I knew to help make it stick I needed to write it down.  So I quickly sketched it out with ink first.  Then in true geeky fashion (and because I love a good list) I created a word document that I could print and post.  As of this weekend (well a little bit last week as well) I am officially on track with my new schedule.  I’m excited for what is to come, not because of the fact my life is scheduled, but because of the doors this opens for me.  I now have time in my life for things that I have long said I don’t have time for (dating, hiking) and I have time in my life for the things that will help me achieve some long term goals (running a marathon, publishing a novel).  I feel like I will finally be making most of the time I have been given and there is something really amazing about that. 

Weekday schedule

Weekend schedule

As scheduled as things now look, I actually feel like I have gained a lot of freedom.  I have culled the big time wasters from my life and filled it with things that really make me happy.  We only have so much time in this world and this whole process helped me to make sure that the hours I do have will be used doing things that really matter to me.  Will stuff still come up that will get in the way – yep of course.  Will there still be days that I waste the time I have – yep I have no doubt of that either.  Will this help me find peace with the fact we only have limited hours – it totally already has.  I can’t wait to see when I look back six months from now, what I have been able to accomplish on my goals now that I have a clear focus and plan to achieve them. 

I can do all things I just can’t do all things at once!

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