This week has been an interesting week that has spawned a lot of talking
and a lot of journal writing so I figured it was probably worth sharing.
This week started off the same as any other week but I just didn’t feel
myself. There was nothing physically
wrong that I could put my finger on, no major stress or really nothing out of
the ordinary going on and yet all week (well okay at least Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday) I felt out of sorts. Silly
things were getting to me like the hum of the new air conditioner they put in
our office or the fact I left my phone at home going to the gym Wednesday
night. It’s just those little things
that make you feel like you are slowly going a little nuts.
This all came to a head in last night’s personal training session. I walked in and warmed up like normal. I chatted with a few of my favourite regular
gym buddies and waited for my training time.
Wednesday’s is always one of my favourite nights because it is the night
that my trainer and I do strength training.
I have learned that I completely love lifting weights. I generally leave feeling strong and very bad
ass. Last night though I wasn’t feeling
it. I wasn’t upset or sad or happy or
excited. I was just there. The reality is that if I hadn’t had a
training session I probably wouldn’t have even gone to the gym. The session itself was tough. It was the first time we worked for a solid
60mins without any major chat breaks.
The exercises were nothing really that I hadn’t done before although in
some cases we added weight but certainly nothing I couldn’t handle. I expected to be able to just put the effort
in and get through it like any other week.
That was not to be however. I was
blown away when sheer emotion swept over me.
The first moment I really noticed the emotion was when I went from
doing chest presses right into a set of single arm rows. As I transitioned to the rows I suddenly felt
like I wanted to cry. I had to actually
fight the tears back. Luckily focusing
on lifting the weight helped refocus my brain and chase the tears away. I was also a little terrified to cry on a
weight floor full of teenage boys and strong men. It made me think of the moment in A League of
Their Own where Tom Hanks says there’s no crying in baseball only of course in
my head it was there’s no crying on the weight floor. hehehe
As we moved to the next set of exercises I was faced with the negative
voice that sometimes pops into my brain.
We had been doing sumo squats with a kettle bell and then doing step ups
with a weight. I did the sumo squats
without a problem (I have grown to really love squats) but when it came to move
to the steps my brain started screaming that my legs were too shakey to do it and
that I couldn’t do it. As my trainer
told me to go I froze. I looked at her
and told her straight up that my legs were arguing and it took me a minute but I
was able to tell myself I could do it.
Each time I came to the steps ups I had to tell my brain to shut
The last moment that really got to me was as I went to do these push
ups. They aren’t hard but we do a push
up on a bar that runs around the track.
As I push up I push back and off the bar. As we went to do them for a second set I felt
like I was going to cry. Again focusing
on the exercise chased them away but it still is crazy to me.
The negative voice isn’t new to me.
I know that I’m always going to have to deal with it. I think we all do. Telling it to shut up was fairly easy for
me. Of course it helps that my trainer
also started chanting that I could do it.
When I have someone cheering me on it is much easier for me to tell
myself that I can do it and believe in the power of what I’m doing. Even when my trainer said on my last set I
only had to do 10 per side instead of our normal 12 I still did 12. I did battle with that negative voice and
again proved that it doesn’t know anything.
The wanting to cry was a bit strange to me though. Normally if I’m going to cry I know why -
usually it’s the result of a sappy movie or a moment of self-pity or maybe just
a moment of feeling lonely - but the weird thing last night was there was no
reason. I just felt the tears well up
and want to spill over. I was feeling
any specific emotion but yet I still wanted to cry. It was a new experience for me.
As crazy as the last few days were and especially last night I did
learn a few things about myself. The
first is that sometimes you just need to have an emotional night. It might feel a bit scary but sometimes you
just need to let it sweep over you. I woke
up this morning and felt refreshed and ready to start over. It was like everything that needed to be
released was let go of last night.
The second thing I learned about myself was a reminder of just how
tough I am. I think sometimes I forget
that I have power within me that can get me through anything. I have spent a large part of my life taking
the easy way out and just doing enough to get by so fighting my way through the
hard stuff last night felt really empowering.
Last night’s work out because of the emotional factor was one of the hardest
I have ever done but I got through it. I
fought against the tears and the negative voice and came out the other side. Not only did I accomplish everything my
trainer asked but I was able to find focus and determination that I don’t think
I really realized I had. I am one strong
cookie and I look forward to the next time I have to prove it to myself.
The reality of the journey that I’m on to lose weight and change my
life is that nights like last night are bound to happen. I knew when I made the decision to change my
life that it was going to be a battle. I’m
going up against a lot of years of bad habits but I know that slowly I will
change and replace them all with habits that support the life I see in my
future. My trainer likes to say “it is
already done”. It is anything that we
have set our minds to. The biggest part
of the battle is making the choice to take the first step. For me what this means is that although I’m
still moving through this journey I already am at the end of it. In my head I’m there I’m living the life I
want. I just need to wait for my body to
catch up with what my mind and soul already know.
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