In case you didn’t figure it out from my last post Lessons Learned fromCalgary Expo,
this year’s Calgary Expo was amazing.
When I compare my notes to the things I had written in my journal last
year or the year before I have to say that this year blew the others out of the
water. The funny thing is my
expectations going into this Expo were that it was going to be a much quieter
journey. As with past years I was
excited that I was going to get to meet a long time crush (Bill Paxton) and
thrilled to be getting to meet an author who greatly inspired the first short
fiction stories I ever wrote but other than that as cool as all the guests were
I wasn’t fangirling over the list. That
all changed the minute I walked into my first photo op and for the rest of the
weekend I was just as excited and thrilled to be there as any other year and by
the end of the first full day there Friday I had already decided that this was
the best Expo yet.
All ready for a weekend of crazy! |
Over the four days I managed to squeeze in 8 photo ops, 10 autographs,
2 Exposed events and 9 panels (thank god for my VIP ticket). It was busy and at times overwhelming but
each night I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Of all the things I did and saw I picked the
top 5 memories that even a week later are still running through my mind and
figured that I would share them. As I
get ready to create my scrapbook these are also the memories that will end up
highlighted in the pages of this year’s book and the ones that will keep me in
anticipation for what will unfold in 2015.
5. Meeting Bill Paxton
In the midst of my
boy-crazy teen years I remember watching Apollo 13 for the first time (because
a boy I liked at the time loved the movie) and deciding that Bill Paxton was
kind of cute. I had seen him in other
movies before Apollo 13 but this was the first time I started to develop a
crush on him. The crush was cemented
when Twister came out. I have no clue
what it was about that role but I was done.
Well after years and years of having a crush on him since then I knew
that I couldn’t pass up the chance to meet him this year. Unlike past years meeting the guys I had
crushes on though I was determined that I would come up with something
interesting to ask or talk about when I got his autograph. I hoped that in planning maybe I could come
off calm and collected rather than like a crazy fangirl. I decided that it was a good idea to play to
my strengths and fascinations so I figured it was a great chance to say something
or ask something about the Titanic.
Knowing that he has actually gone down to the shipwreck amazes me
because it is something I would love to do and after watching his panel I knew
it was something he had good memories and associations with. So first thing Saturday morning I waited
patiently in line for my moment to meet him and get his autograph. My stomach was in knots from excitement/nerves
and probably a little because I didn’t really sleep very well Friday night. When it was my turn I walked up trying to remain cool but Bill threw me
for a loop. Rather than asking for my
name he asked what I wanted on my picture and I went silent (I also probably
had the deer in the headlight look as I tried to process what he had said). It was like he had asked the question in
another language and at that moment my brain was just not willing to actually
figure out what he had asked. In true
Jill fashion I felt my face grow hot from blushing and I started to giggle and
panic a little (I really do struggle with trying to remain cool). He then asked me what my name was and my
response was “ummm” followed by a minute of silence (okay it was probably only
enough time to breath but as I tried to remember my name it felt like hours of
my brain spinning and panic rising).
Finally however I gave him my name and told my brain to shut up and calm
down. After that rocky start I was able
to talk to him about the Titanic a little bit.
I left his autograph to him asking me “Are you reading to go back to
Titanic” which when I watch the movie always gives me chills but in that moment
it almost made me break out laughing again.
It was a great moment and I left all giddy and excited but I certainly
know I probably could have done so much better.
I guess the lesson is that next year when I plan on what to say to
whichever star is coming I will also have to practice my name.
4. Getting to Listen to the R L Stine
Panel (& meeting him after)
My hero and inspiration - R L Stine |
I wrote a little
about R L Stine when I found out he was coming to the Expo in my blog entry EekTime to Find My Inner Cool so I can Impress. When I first started really trying to write
fiction it was R L Stine’s Fear Street books that I used to create my own short
fiction. (Looking back now I’m sure some
of the appeal probably came from the fact that I probably wanted to find
horrific deaths for various teenagers I encountered.) As much as I had hoped that I would be able
to impress him once again I was struck down with a loss of brain power. He was a very nice man though and I enjoyed the
brief chat I had with him although for the life of me I can’t remember what was
said other than me telling him I used to copy his work and that he inspired me
to be a writer. The memory that I will
carry with me though came from listening to the spotlight panel on him. It was really interesting to hear him talk
about his writing and to tell us his ghost story. I have always loved being read to and he has one
of those voices that I could listen to for hours. I have to admit though it was when he was
talking about how he writes that I found myself drawn in completely and found
the memory I want to keep. He talked
about how he outlines his whole books before he starts writing and how he often
has several books on the go at the same time set up on different desks. Hearing about his process gave me a sort of
validation of my own process. I have
been reading some books lately that suggest trying to just go where the writing
takes you but having tried and failed that during the month of April I have to
say I like my planning way better. I
know when it comes to creative pursuits that everyone has their own process but
it is still nice to have my process validated.
It make me feel like maybe there is some hope that I am doing something
right and that it might lead me down a path that ends with me getting
3. Middle-Earth Exposed
I have gone to a
bunch of these extra events Calgary Expo puts on and I have to say hands down
Middle-Earth Exposed was the best. It
was a night to celebrate Richard Taylor the co-founder of Weta. We got to watch as he transformed one lucky
contest winner from a normal person into an orc. I have to say it was pretty amazing to watch
the transformation happen. You can see
the talent and care that goes into creating the creatures we watch on the big
From Human to Orc Part 1 |
From Human to Orc Part 2 |
While the make-over was going on we were introduced to all the
Middle-Earth gang, starting first with the crew from Lord of the Rings. It was interesting to hear Billy Boyd, Sean
Astin, Craig Parker, Sadwyn Brophy and Mark Ferguson talk about their
experiences. Most interesting to me was
listening to Sadwyn. He was only 5 when
he was on the set. He joked about how he
was Liv Tyler’s hot water bottle. I can
only imagine how cool it would have been to be in the middle of such a huge
film at that age.
Sadwyn Brophy, Craig Parker, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin, Mark Ferguson |
As much as I loved listening to the Lord of the Rings crew talk it was
when the Hobbit gang came out that things got a lot of fun. Watching Mark Hadlow, Jed Brophy and Dean O’Gorman
banter with each other was so much fun.
Jed Brophy, Mark Hadlow, Dean O'Gorman |
As much fun as all of it was including watching the dwarves sing, and
Jed and Sadwyn Brophy sword fighting it was when they started to do some improv
that things got really good. I have
never laughed as hard as I did that night as I watched Mark Ferguson and Craig
Parker tell a story about Harry Potter and Hermione using Billy Boyd, Mark
Hadlow, Jed Brophy and Dean O’Gorman as the props. I was laughing so hard a lot of my pictures
didn’t even turn out. The images of
Billy flying around with Mark and Craig attached, or of Jed doing one armed
push-ups as Harry’s “wand” or of Craig and Mark going to kiss but with
protection are just a few of the pictures that will be ingrained in my mind forever. It was one of those nights you just don’t
want to end. I would be the first in
line to sign up again if Calgary Expo decided to do it again.
Is that your wand or are you just happy to see me? |
Billy Boyd as an Owl |
Kissing with protection |
2. Meeting all the Middle-Earth
Not only are all
the men from Middle-Earth hilarious, as they proved at their exposed event, but
they are all some of the nicest guests I have ever met. I had only planned on getting Bill’s
autograph this year but after watching them all on stage at the exposed event I
decided I wanted a chance to actually meet them and say hi. (Well okay I had decided I wanted to meet one
of them before the evening event but I will talk about that in my number 1
moment.) I talked about this a little
bit in my last blog but because I didn’t have crushes on these guys before the
Expo (I totally do now though) I was able to go up to them and just be cool and
relaxed. I was able to be normal…well
normal for me anyway. I was able to have decent conversations with
each of them. I talked about how
talented and skilled they all were with Mark Ferguson who seemed really pleased
with how Exposed had turned out and happy to talk about the work that went into
it. I joked with Craig Parker about
being a VIP and not having to wait in line, followed by him calling me
beautiful which made me swoon. When I
went to meet Jed and his son Sadwyn (who totally has the coolest name), Jed
remembered me from two days earlier and the photo op I had done which made it
easy to chat with him. Probably the
surprise for me though was meeting Sadwyn.
I got to chatting with him and actually had to end the conversation
myself so I wasn’t holding up the line. Of
all the stars I have met over the last three years at Expo these guys were the
greatest. Each interaction left me
feeling wonderful and special and with a huge smile on my face. I hope I get the chance to meet them all
again sometime. They were charming,
genuine and wonderful. They of course
also are good looking and have amazing accents that I love. hehehe
Billy Boyd and Sean Astin |
Dean O'Gorman, Mark Hadlow, Jed Brophy |
Craig Parker, Mark Ferguson |
1. Best Moment for me of the
2014 Expo Meeting was Mark Hadlow (which took me by surprise)
Of all the moments
I enjoyed at this year’s Expo it was my interactions with Mark Hadlow that
stands out as my favourite. Mark Hadlow
plays the dwarf Dori in the Hobbit movies and he is totally my favourite now. He is not the youngest or the best looking
but he was so nice to me. The dwarf team
up photo was the very first thing I did at the Expo this year. When I walked into the picture area Mark gave
me a huge smile, welcomed me and asked my name.
The photo ops only last for a few seconds but in those few I felt my
whole mood shift from happy to be at expo to being truly excited to be
there. That night when I went home I
made the decision that I wanted to go and say hi to Mark again so Friday
morning after getting Billy Boyd’s autograph I walked up to his nearly empty
line. As I approached he smiled and said
“You were at out photo op yesterday weren’t you Jill.” I’m sure the smile on my face stretched from
ear to ear. It’s pretty cool to be
remembered. I joked that he looked at my
name badge which is how he remembered me.
He countered with he only looked at the badge to confirm what he
remembered. It was the start of a fun chat. When he signed my autograph he asked “is it
ok that I signed it saying you are such a doll”. I said of course that was fine (as if I was
going to say no please start over…heheh).
We chatted a little bit more and he told me that he loved how bubbly and
smiley I was. I walked away standing a
little taller and feeling special. It is
not something I experience very often (strangers paying me compliments) but it
made a huge impression. I think meeting
Mark set my mood for the whole Expo which in part is why this year was so
epic. I’m sure he and all of them are
probably nice to everyone they meet but in those few minutes chatting with him
I felt like I was the only person in the room.
It is a pretty special feeling to have and not all of the guests I have
met have been able to pull it off as well as Mark Hadlow did.
my favourite autograph ever |
As exhausted as I was come Monday morning I have no regrets for all
that I did or any of the things I had to miss.
When I look back on this year’s Expo I feel as though it changed me. The memories of this year have followed me
this week as have the ideas and lessons I wrote about previously. The experiences I had this year are going to
be hard to top but if I have learned one thing from the last two years is that
I’m sure Expo will find a way to beat it next year. I will look forward with anticipation as the
following months pass slowly by until Apr 16, 2015.
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