I know that it seems like common sense to take time off for yourself. Everyone tells us to take time off for ourselves and we all know that we should. I however seemed to briefly forget about that little important fact and it all caught up to me on Thursday. I woke up completely exhausted and dragging. I don't very often have that feeling of being lethargic but that would have been the only way I could explain how I was feeling on Thursday.
Now just to give you an idea of what a day in my life looks like here is the brief overview. I wake up at 4:50am and get up to work out. Then I jump in the shower and get dressed. Then I have just enough time to have breakfast and head off to work at 6:45. After picking up a friend I head off to work until 4:30. Then it is off to drop my friend off at home and then I usually arrive at home around 5:30pm. Then it's time to jump on my treadmill for anywhere from 30-60mins (depending on the day and what's on tv). After the treadmill I throw the tv on and make dinner while listening/watching it. After dinner it's time for dishes and to make a lunch and then by 9 I'm heading off bed to curl up read a chapter of a book and then sleep only to start it all over again. In all of that there is not much time to just sit and relax. Now normally this isn't to bad because I have weekends to relax but the last several weekends have been filled with visiting friends, theatre and just general running around.
So with all of that in mind on Thursday I realized looking back in my daytimer that I have't really taken time off in about three weeks. So my solution to my lethargic state was to do nothing Thursday night. I didn't work out. I didn't do dishes. I sat my butt on the couch and curled up with one of my cats and watched two episodes of my new favourite show Top Gear (a British car show that I think is hilarious...it also helps that 1 of the 3 presenters is really cute) and then curled up in bed with a book for an hour before going to sleep. I had an amazing sleep and woke up feeling better on Friday. The best part about all of this is that for as hard as I have been working the last few weeks I had actually gained weight the last two weigh ins...not much but enough that it annoyed me...but this week I was down 2.8 pounds. It could be a coincidence but I tend to think it's my bodies way of saying that it is ok to take a little time off if I'm good most of the rest of the time.
Needless to say all of this has reminded me that there is a need for balance. I have the type of personality that tends to go full throtle into things so every once and awhile I just have to remind myself that I need to balance everything out. So that is my goal for the next few weeks. I'm going to be working hard to try and find the balance between everything that is going on in my life. I can do everything I need and want to do I just can't do it all at once. :-) No one can.
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