2015 was an amazing year for me.
I have experienced a great many things, made new friends and learned a
lot. At the start of the year I saw a
post on Facebook about keeping a jar and filling it full of notes about the
things you have done over the year and opening it the following New Year’s
Eve. I thought it was a brilliant idea
and so I created a jar of my own. I
decided that I would try and write a note for each day. The note would have something I was proud of,
accomplished, grateful for or something that made me happy. I didn’t end up doing one for every day but I
filled the jar none the less. When I
woke up this morning I was super excited because I knew that I was going to get
to open it tonight. I had no clue what
all I wrote down although certainly I could think of a few big moments that I
knew were in it.
After dinner I opened it up and poured it out. It was a jar full of scraps of different
sizes and shapes of paper. Some are cut
nicely and some were just torn but each piece had a moment captured from 2015.
What surprised me is how amazing it felt to look through them. I knew that I had accomplished a lot this
year but seeing all the things I wrote down was amazing. Big moments like doing my Canmore 5k were
featured just as prominently as small moments like a day spent cuddling with my
cat. I recorded good deeds, good
thoughts and lots of gratitude for the people in my life. It was the prefect reminder of all the
special moments from this last year a lot of which probably wouldn’t have been
remembered or recognized otherwise.
Of all the slips of paper one theme stands out. It was very apparent that this year was a
year in which I was focusing on moving more.
The vast majority of the things I recorded were moments from the gym or
to do with working out. I suppose it
also speaks to how much joy I have found this year in learning just how far I
can push my body. One of the coolest
parts of this jar full of moments is that I got to see the improvements in what
I was doing at the gym. It shows me
lifting more, running faster and longer and just trying new things. It is a pretty cool reminder of just how much
I really have accomplished towards my goal to a healthier me.
Anyway here is a sample of 30 of my favourite notes from the last year.
This has been such a very cool project.
I look forward to once again doing it in 2016. It has been a great way to reflect on the
year that has passed.
I hope that everyone has an amazing New Year and that 2016 will fill all of your jars with amazing moments.